After the previous article on a new line of Plastic Saxophones, lets examine a previous, and famous, attempt at making such an instrument.
Here is Peter King playing one the legendary Grafton Alto Sax played by Charlie Parker.
Here is a great review of the Grafton Alto Sax.
Tag: plastic
All Plastic Saxophone
There seems to be a resurgence in this idea. Enter the Vibrotosax.
To create more saxophonist in the world is our prime concern. Our designer team need to accomplish 3 objectives….Design a saxophone that everyone can afford, provide a standard fingering configuration and producce a solid saxophone sound. The solution: to replace brass with polymer. By doing so we not only change the material but also the process of saxophone manufacturing which has remained unchanged since 1843.
Besides the strange English (they are a Thailand company and refer to the King of Thailand in their about page), aren’t we experiencing a strange sense of Deja Vu? I mean……haven’t we been there, done that?