Great video. Joe was a cool cat. Got to play with him many times in College.
Year: 2011
Sheet Of The Week – Everything (Michael Buble)
Unless you have been living in a cave, you should know about Michael Buble. He’s a Canadian singer who was doing a lot of big band vocals sort of like how Harry Connick Jr was doing (what the heck happened to Harry…..he is MIA).
Anyhow, Michael Buble did a crossover album in 2007 (I think) where he did more pop type songs without his big band. It’s rather good, and this is one of my favorite songs off that album.
Everything by Michael Buble for Eb Instruments (96.3 KiB, 363 hits)
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Everything by Michael Buble for Bb Instruments (93.2 KiB, 206 hits)
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Sheet Of The Week – Brick By Boring Brick (Paramore)
Never heard of Paramore? Pity…..great band. Great songs. Such as this one.
Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore for Eb Instruments (78.0 KiB, 128 hits)
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Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore for Bb Instruments (85.0 KiB, 68 hits)
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Sheet Of The Week – California Gurls (Katy Perry)
This is a long weekend here in the States. I’ll be having 3 Sheets of the week to celebrate. The first up is California Gurls by Katy Perry. The rap section is tacet as…..well…’s rap. Doesn’t come out too good on a saxophone…..unless you like lots of repeating notes.
California Gurls by Katy Perry for Eb Instruments (89.7 KiB, 175 hits)
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California Gurls by Katy Perry for Bb Instruments (87.9 KiB, 94 hits)
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Phil Woods On Charlie Parker
Yup…’s usually NOT the instrument.
The Future
I think this is where music is heading. Sure, there will be lots of people playing “traditional” instruments, but we will be a rare breed.
Wind Instruments and Sickness
The NY Times has an article out titled The Claim: Playing a Wind Instrument Causes Respiratory Infection.
“For years, scientists have noticed that people who play wind instruments seem to be at greater risk of chronic sore throats and airway inflammation. Some research suggested that saliva and microorganisms might build up in the mouthpieces, then get blown deeper into the instruments.
But until recently, scientists did not know whether the germs could breed and survive long enough to sicken someone playing the instrument a day or two later.”
Basically, yes, germs can survive a day or two and you might get yourself infected again. Bottom line is that you should clean your stuff out if you are getting sick or are sick…..and well, AT LEAST when you change a reed.
John Adams Commencement Speech
You need to read this. Composer John Adams Julliard commencement speech.
The arts, however, are difficult. They are mind-bendingly and refreshingly difficult. You can’t learn the role of Hamlet (no less write it), you can’t play the fugue in the Hammerklavier Sonata (no less compose it) and you can’t hope to move effortlessly through one of Twyla Tharp’s ballets without having submitting yourself to something that’s profoundly difficult, that demands sustained concentration and unyielding devotion. Artists are people who’ve learned how to surrender themselves to a higher purpose, to something better than their miserable little egos. They’ve been willing to put their self-esteem in a Cuisinart and let it be chopped and diced and crushed to a pulp. They are the ones who’ve learned to live with the brutal fact that God didn’t dole out talent in fair and equal portions and that the person sitting next to them may only need to practice only half as hard to win the concerto competition.
And the wonderful, astonishing truth is that the arts are utterly useless. You can’t eat music or poetry or dance. You can’t drive your car on a sonnet it or wear it on your back to shield you from the elements. This “uselessness” is why politicians and other painfully literal-minded people during times of budget crises (which is pretty much all the time now) can’t wait to single the arts out for elimination. For them artistic activity is strictly after-school business. They consider that what we do can’t honestly be compared to the real business of life, that art is entertainment and ultimately non-essential. They don’t realize that what we artists offer is one of the few things that make human life meaningful, that through our skill and our talent and through the way that we share our rich emotional lives we add color and texture and depth and complexity to their lives.
And there is a LOT more. Worth reading.
Sheet Of The Week (BONUS) – Turret Opera (Portal 2)
Don’t watch the video below if you haven’t finished the game.
If you have, then feel free to download the song and watch the video. Turret Opera. These game people are pretty amazing coming up with stuff like this.
Turret Opera from Portal 2 for Bb Instruments (63.1 KiB, 147 hits)
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Turret Opera from Portal 2 for Eb Instruments (63.4 KiB, 157 hits)
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Sheet Of The Week – Want You Gone (Portal 2)
This is from Portal 2. It’s by Jonathan Coulton. It’s good. Check it out.
Want You Gone from Portal 2 for Bb Instruments (76.8 KiB, 124 hits)
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Want You Gone from Portal 2 for Eb Instruments (76.4 KiB, 151 hits)
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The Blind Man Who Taught Himself To See
Great article…
Daniel Kish has been sightless since he was a year old. Yet he can mountain bike. And navigate the wilderness alone. And recognize a building as far away as 1,000 feet. How? The same way bats can see in the dark.
This makes me wonder what else a human can do. Perhaps in music classes, if students were required to wear blindfolds, it would develop their “ear” faster and better? Or maybe we all should have some sort of class which we have to do things completely without sight.
I know when I listen to music, I really have to pretty much close my eyes to listen. I can’t really multitask and listen to something. Nor can I listen to stuff while driving as a lot of my attention goes to the music, the brain picking apart what I’m hearing…..even if I have heard it many many times over. It’s like other things, sight, etc, are interfering with my listening.
Pitch Axis Theory
Chordal instrument players are good to follow for figuring out how to solo to chord changes. Here is a little intro to what guitar players call “Pitch Axis Theory”. To me, it’s more of soloing to tonal centers, but potato or po-tat-o….
Terrible Quality Of Music Minus One Play-Alongs
I own a few Music Minus one play-alongs. A clarinet one that has the Stamitz concerto on it, and the one that has the Bolling Suite for flute, and the one that has J.S. Bach Suite No. 2 on it. Those are excellent.
I tried out one called “Baroque Play-Along for Tenor Saxophone”. Yikes. Terrible. The mixing is terrible, and the Tenor player misses a low E the 12th measure of the Pachelbel Cannon (the EASY PART).
Avoid this one people. I’d say use Smart Music for those songs rather than MMO.
Salsa Vader
Usually, Trombone is my least favorite instrument. Now….not so much.
Someone ought to do a fight video or something with the Sexy Sax Man
Sheet Of The Week (Bonus) – Livin’ On A Prayer (Bon Jovi)
Bon Jovi is still cool. And so is this song.
Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi for Eb Instruments (94.2 KiB, 343 hits)
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Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi for Bb Instruments (94.0 KiB, 147 hits)
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